Wednesday, 4 July 2012

0004- The Amazing Spider Man Movie Review

Well, it's another great eventful day that pumps up my blogging mood.... ^^. To be honest, I am starting to love blogging and it has became an integral part of my life.

There is no more greater feeling  than watches the top movie on my waiting list- The Amazing Spider Man, sum-more on it's premier casting day. When i scan through the trailer, I know deep down that it will be an completely different edition  from it's previous sequels. With the switching up of hero and heroin , both  Emma Stone Dishes and Andrew Garfield bring forward the young  and glamorous side of the main character with their attractive appearance and personality.   

For those who is wondering the different aspect of this new spidy sensation from it's previous version, I can say that this movie offer a completely reverse plot with different emphasis on Peter Parker's life. To be clear, this movie narrates more on the adolescence of Parker's life with the add on of his life with his father, a genius scientist  who specialize in cross generic field. Parker inherits this traits and become a smart high school student in Science. He utilize his talent in the designing of his spidy suit and also continue his father's research in the field.

Moreover, this movie crates a different personality in Ben Parker. On and on, the audience will be captivated with his great sense of humor and character. His has a sarcastic traits and likes to play around with his nemesis. Plus, he is outgoing and enjoys showing off, especially in front of his girlfriend, Stacy.

On the flip side, there are still similarities between this latest sequel and the previous movies. Ben Parker, Peter's uncle continue to circle around his teenage life and is an influential figure in shaping up his life philosophy. His death also provokes the 'hero self' within Ben Parker and bear his responsibility of being Spider Man. 

 To sum up, this new series proven it's potential as a Marvel hit with refreshing story line and interesting mixed up of new and old characters. More importantly, this movies is more spiritual and defines 'hero' based on inner self and contribution to other's life. If i were to give ratings , I will give this movie a 4.2/5 score ^^.    
A cool, action- packed and refreshing movie indeed.!!!


' When a man is gifted with a special ability, his greatness is measured by his willingness to utilize it for the food of others. It's not a CHOICE , It's a RESPONSIBILITY.' 

1 comment:

  1. wow~ another amazing one :)
    I like your insightful attitude in interpreting everything in life, seriously !
