Friday, 23 November 2012

0006- Me, a hero? A villain? ..

Well, it has been quite some time before I update my blog. Seemingly, today is the day i resume my blog writing, as my writing mood is fully engaged to me today. A 'not so great' day to be said the least, as i have not accomplish a single productive things this morning... ( a pretty bad feeling indeed, why I can't conquer the laziness in me, which by far, get the better of me since... ermmm, i think, maybe this sem? )

No more movie review today, as I have not go to the cinema for quite some time now. Reviewing back on my favorite show, Survivor, many if not all the fans, like me , will agree that the 20th season, " Survivor Heroes vs Villains" is by far the best season ever on-aired till present time .. ( still wonder how on earth Sandra can win twice )

Survivor , to certain extend, is a reflective corner for me to dig deep and think about myself. For me,the everyday situation in our lives constantly tested our mental  and emotional capability. To be clear, we are the one and only one to measure our IQ and EQ everyday. Everyday , there is a new war between our personally desire and our logic and I am even guilty of it, often makes decision based on my mood, but not the right thing that benefits me the most....

To me, there is always two opposite selfs in us- 'The Heroes' and 'The Villains'  Like it or not, these two independent , opposite spectrum of our soul complement each other and make us who we are today. As for myself, I could agree more with it , as hard as I work to become a ' good guy' , I feel that at most of the time, I am acting like a jerk and piss off someone at times...( really, really , really sorry for that those i have offended ...)

Well, The Villain part of me will question myself everyday. Am I really that bad? Am I really that boring?  Am I a coward in dealings with problems in life? These queries will bug me for whole day and  I have only one answer to it- SO BE IT!!!! I am who I am and no one, no even my friends, my family and not even ME, can question my credibility as a person!!! Ya, you can labelled me as a selfish and annoying person , but that's the way it is in life, you gain some, you lose some. I  may be labelled as the ' bad guy' by others , but at least I am not being a fake who pleases everyone but not myself.

When all the negative thought crepes in my mind, I will try my best to reflect on my ' Hero' part for guidance. Martin Luther King once said- A Man is not measure by times he taste the fruit of glory, but the times he rises  against all odds and come out as a victor!!!!. The 'hero' me will said, you may not be a perfect guy but just try your best to be a good guy. You are not pledging confirmation and affirmation from others , but from the gentle, sentimental, humble self within me. As risky  and torturous path you are walking, just keep calm, be persistent and believe in yourself, and you will live the present and future with dignity, pride and soon, all the times of humble experience will be a great learning chapter of your life !! Yeah, tomorrow I will be a better me !!!!!!