Friday, 29 June 2012

0002-真的要写华文 の 博客? 好吧, 我试试 ^^

hmm, 本人的首个,也可能是最后一个华语  博客, 该写些什么呢? ... 事先申明,如有错别字, 请大家多多包涵,  因 本人的华文能耐真的,真的很不好 ><'.
面对着空白的电脑幕目, 霍然觉得它真的好噢,叫我贪心呢,买个 16寸 的笔记本电脑,
好像很yeng 酱 ,最终让自己吃尽了苦头。但将心比己, 我还事把它当作哥儿们, 
因它陪我度过了无数‘无眠’ 的夜晚 。幸苦你了,笔记本大哥 !><'


听着 tank の 歌, 我突然霖光一闪,就写 我与华语的主桥梁- 华文音乐吧 ^^ 
hmm, 就讲下我最喜欢的歌手。还有谁呢,当然是佼哥 ah tank 啦!

说来paiseh 下,我竟然要透过 google, 才得知 tank 的 华文名- 呂建中, 这位音乐创作才子,  是我最爱的 ‘情歌王子’。2006 年出道的 tank, 已录了 三副个人唱片;生存之道 ,延長比賽 及第三回合。tank 唱出多首动听的情歌, 其中我的最爱- 全世界都停了电


全世界都停了电全 世界都封了街

全世界都停了电 全世界白雪满天
一作梦翻身 就刺痛流血



全世界都停了电 全世界白雪满天
一作梦翻身 就刺痛流血


 当我首次听到 ‘   全世界都停了电 ’ 时, 我整个人都呆了竟然有人可以篇写出酱动人的歌词!太好听了, 太感动了,太佼了,太GENG 了!~~

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

0001- refreshing encounter with 'blogging' life ^^

well, finally, after a long struggle and fight with the ' lazy bug' living in my soul, I finally make an important  decision which i hope , may utterly change the course of my life!!! By hook or by crook, me, Adrian Teh, gonna start  my own writing brand today , AT THIS VARY MOMENT!!!. Until i write 1000 blog , i won't retired from my blogging experience. ( * what the hell i gonna write to reach this millstone eh >< )

....hmmm, blogging to me, is a reflective corner, a medium  for me to record all the happenings around me- me personal experience, how i learn from other, my favorite list ... blaa blaa blaa..  

well, for a start, as seen as the blog title, I want to make it as simple as I can. So, there is no other way to do that except from describing  the whole day of  my ' interesting' life in words...

So, today is? oh ya, 27 june 2012, Wednesday.
What i do ya? oh ya, wake up early as usual and continue with my weekday routine- go exercise and breakfast with my 'mami ', help her dry the clothes , and wat ah... continue with facebook and drama , hiak hiak hiak ... 

well, there is still something out of the norm today ba. MEET UP WITH MY FORM 6 BUDDIES and watch the movie ' Abraham Lincoln- Vampire Hunter'  

As mention in its movie title, it denotes the life journey of one of the most influential and popular figure in American history- President Lincoln. To me, Lincoln is regarded as a man who utilize the power of speech. Every bit of his words plants seeds of wisdom in peoples mind. He can bring mankind to the good, the 'eternal freedom' every american hope for. He have the guts and courage to take up impossible mission, that america is free from SLAVERY and every men , regardless of color and ethnicity, is born with EQUALLY RIGHTS.

For me, the quotes in his speeches and the movie trigger my thinking cap to the fullest ! 

-    ' Today is a historical day- the day that government of the people, by the people, for the people , shall not perish from the earth. '

-   ' History prefer novelty than brutality'
    ' History writes about the war but forget about the blood in it'
    ' History writes about a man, but only a shallow part of it '

-    ' The true greatness of a man is not to make good for one, but for the entire man kind'

As a whole, from overall perspective , the movie presents an interesting and unexpected twist by adding the presence of vampire species and their war with man kind. Overall, what can i say is this movie denotes the past of Lincoln and his fight for ' FREEDOM' in an ' out of the box' way. It is certainly a movie worth watching with a 3.8/5 rating in my book.

As for the reflective part, what i learn after the movie is that all great man has his own legacy and he fight to his last breath to achieve it. Lincoln has his legacy of ' FREEDOM ' for all american... and...  although i can't compared myself to president Lincoln, i will try to follow his attitude in life , that is ....

' follow your heart no matter what you do and try hard to fulfill all the promises i make to myself and others before i can proclaim me as a good and noble man '